by grace | Oct 16, 2023 | Makeup tips for over 50
What’s new— Autumn is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings—the first day of school all over again! It’s good to feel you have the confidence to go anywhere and do anything and, like back then—you probably want to feel your best! And while makeup is...
by grace | Jul 2, 2023 | Makeup tips for over 50
There’s often nothing better than relaxing with a book on the beach all day, sipping a mojito and listening to the waves crash against the shore. What a wonderful picture of serenity. This relaxation is absolutely necessary for mind, body, and spirit, but when the sun...
by grace | Jun 15, 2023 | Makeup tips for over 50
Click for the current issue —and keep up with what’s new in makeup, with Jane Iredale, and with Deborah! Click to view the current issue....
by grace | Apr 20, 2023 | Makeup tips for over 50
If you haven’t yet bought my new book, which hit the shelves in 2017 – The Grace Factor How to look & feel your best in the new Midlife! Makeup techniques for the woman over 50 – I hope that you will! It has been my dream for a number of years to be able to...
by gracemakeupformidlife | Sep 8, 2022 | Makeup tips for over 50
It was long thought that a person’s “coloring” remained the same their entire lives. Once a Spring, always a Spring. That myth has been debunked. We now know that a person’s coloring does in fact change with time, beginning in midlife. How and why does our coloring...
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